FRC 2020

AT Summit Conference

If we were given just one word of information in our entire history, how we’d treasure it! (…)Yet today we have trillions of words, tidal waves of information, and the smallest detail of every action our government and businesses take is easily available to us at the touch of a button!

Hirib Bassot

Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel

Nowadays many corporations store a humongous amount of data and cloud drives seem to become a quite popular tool to use for this purpose. Such data often tends to be strictly confidential, especially personal or financial type. The branch involving keeping it secure as well as creating systems responsible for storing it is called “cybersecurity”. On 13th and 14th of November in Marriott hotel took place the 6th edition of one of the biggest cybersecurity-focused conferences in Poland – the Advanced Threat Summit. Although security managers seem to be the main audience, various guest happen to appear there. This time the girls from Team RaByte and our Mentor happened to be among them. We attended Ms. Joanna Karczewska’s (expert and judicial assessor, ISACA association in Warsaw) performance entitled “How to encourage women to work in cybersecurity?”, as well as following pannel discussion “Is cybersecurity a branch in which women should and can build their career?” hosted by Mr. Przemysław Gamadzyk (CEO, Evetion CSO Council). We had a chance to meet many interesting people and find out how their adventure with cybersecurity had begun and how it went.

This year’s coverage here:

Thanks a lot!

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